Inon Zur
Champions of Norrath

Inon Zur - Champions of Norrath

  • Release date: 2006
  • Genre: Video Game/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 58:53
  • *** 1/2
  • Added August 28, 2009
  • Played August 28, 2009
  • Rated August 28, 2009


1. Kelethin Twonot rated1:06
2. Sea Monsternot rated1:04
3. Spider Bossnot rated1:07
4. Vampire Lordnot rated1:01
5. Mumkingnot rated1:08
6. Arena Beastnot rated1:05
7. Grdemonnot rated1:06
8. Innoruuknot rated1:04
9. Generic 1not rated1:09
10. Generic 2not rated1:07
11. Generic 3not rated1:03
12. Generic 4not rated1:03
13. Faydark Forest 2not rated1:38
14. Faydark Forest 3not rated1:42
15. Faydark Forestnot rated1:38
16. Kelethin Onenot rated1:37
17. Kelethin 2not rated1:38
18. Orc Cavesnot rated1:41
19. Ruinsnot rated1:10
20. Ruinsnot rated1:10
21. Gnome Villagenot rated1:38
22. Gnome Village 2not rated1:38
23. Gothic Castlenot rated1:39
24. Undead Battlenot rated1:42
1. Glacial Icenot rated1:34
2. Kerrielnot rated1:49
3. Ocean Cavesnot rated1:33
4. Ocean Caves 2not rated1:33
5. Sandy Desertnot rated1:12
6. Waters Edgenot rated1:08
7. Waters Edge 2not rated1:08
8. Cthulu Dungeonnot rated1:36
9. Dark Elf Homenot rated2:12
10. Hanging Gardennot rated1:10
11. Hate Exteriornot rated1:41
12. Plane of Airnot rated1:28
13. Plane of Hatenot rated1:04
14. Main Themenot rated0:19
15. Main Menunot rated0:49
16. Breaking Icenot rated0:31
17. Ocean Floornot rated0:33
18. Ocean Floor 2not rated0:33
19. Theme Act 1not rated1:02
20. Theme Act 2not rated1:00
21. Theme Act 3not rated1:03
22. Theme Act 4not rated0:56
23. Theme Act 5not rated1:05

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