Rod Abernethy and Jason Graves
Star Trek Legacy - Video Game

Rod Abernethy and Jason Graves - Star Trek Legacy - Video Game

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Easy Listening
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:04:39
  • *** 1/2
  • Added August 6, 2009
  • Played August 6, 2009
  • Rated August 6, 2009


1. Enterprise in the Darknot rated2:04
2. Enterprise on Stationnot rated1:17
3. Archer's Travelsnot rated2:26
4. Decisive Battlenot rated1:58
5. Enterprise Incursionnot rated2:26
6. Archer Faces his Destinynot rated2:08
7. Kirk Faces his Destinynot rated2:02
8. Picard Faces his Destinynot rated2:09
9. Red Alertnot rated2:04
10. The Enemy of Kirk's Enemynot rated2:01
11. Kirk Enters the Stormnot rated1:50
12. The Wrath of Kirknot rated2:11
13. Quick Decisionnot rated1:59
14. Sisco's Rescuenot rated2:11
15. The Borg Approachesnot rated2:15
16. ST FederationStingernot rated0:15
17. Federation Themenot rated2:18
18. ST FED ShipLostnot rated0:19
19. ST FED Victorynot rated0:17
20. Kirk's Final Solutionnot rated2:00
21. Battle Stationsnot rated0:54
22. Finalenot rated1:02
23. Voyager Arrivesnot rated1:02
24. The Last Standnot rated1:09
25. Surprise Attacknot rated2:00
26. Enterprise Victoriousnot rated0:13
27. Neutral Zone Infractionnot rated2:00
28. Kirk's Enterprise Fly-Bynot rated2:12
29. Birds of Preynot rated1:34
30. The Klingons Arrivenot rated0:34
31. Star Trek Legacynot rated2:20
32. Closing Creditsnot rated2:18
33. Passing the Nebulanot rated1:09
34. Acting Captain on the Bridgenot rated0:31
35. Officially a Captainnot rated2:07
36. Picard's Enterprisenot rated2:06
37. Stargazer Battlenot rated1:01
38. Romulans!not rated2:04
39. Legacy Trailernot rated1:06
40. Dark Discoverynot rated1:07

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