Sam Cardon

Sam Cardon - Whales

  • Release date: 1997
  • Genre: Contemporary Era
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 36:40
  • *****
  • Added June 3, 2009
  • Played June 7, 2009
  • Rated June 7, 2009


1. Hawaii/Dolphinsnot rated2:34
2. Blue Whalesnot rated2:29
3. Peninsula Valdeznot rated1:40
4. Mother and Calf themenot rated4:20
5. Sea Lions and Penguinsnot rated0:43
6. Power Theme/ Manta Raysnot rated1:47
7. Power Gamesnot rated2:00
8. Across the Gulf of Speciesnot rated3:34
9. Searchingnot rated4:19
10. Migrationnot rated3:02
11. Alaskanot rated1:37
12. Mother and Calf theme Reprisenot rated2:06
13. Power Games Reprisenot rated2:27
14. Whale Songsnot rated4:02

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