The Hollywood Series

MediaVentures - The Hollywood Series

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:06:17
  • not rated
  • Added April 24, 2009
  • Played April 24, 2009


1. Simon Chamberlain - Screen Heroesnot rated1:08
2. Nick Glennie-Smith - Great Achievementsnot rated1:09
3. Richard Harvey - The Dream Teamnot rated1:09
4. Graham Preskett - Pride Of Placenot rated1:10
5. Tony Hymas - Final Victorynot rated1:08
6. Andrew Jackman - Starfleetnot rated1:09
7. Llona Sekacz - The Silver Bladenot rated1:08
8. Bill Connor - The American Waynot rated1:09
9. Simon Chamberlain - A Love Of Adventurenot rated1:09
10. Stephen Baker - Final Encounternot rated1:09
11. Simon Chamberlain - Turmoilnot rated1:09
12. Richard Harvey - Knife Edgenot rated1:09
13. John Devereaux - Armed Responsenot rated1:09
14. Richard Harvey - Dangerous Encountersnot rated1:09
15. Matthew Cang - 20th Century Gothicnot rated1:08
16. Paul Pritchard - The Last Frontiernot rated1:09
17. Rupert Gregson-Williams - Extreme Measuresnot rated1:09
18. Simon Chamberlain - Love Overturenot rated1:10
19. Philip Appleby - Long Journey's Endnot rated1:09
20. Bill Connor - My Homelandnot rated1:09
21. Stephen Baker - A Fresh Startnot rated1:11
22. Graham Preskett - My Story Beginsnot rated1:09
23. Richard Harvey - A Noble Sadnessnot rated1:08
24. Richard Harvey - The Spirit Of Truthnot rated1:09
25. Paul Pritchard - Now And Forevernot rated1:11
26. Bill Connor - Reflections Of A Lifenot rated1:10
27. Clive Malabar - Our Separate Waysnot rated1:08
28. Bill Connor - Dance In The Darknot rated1:09
29. Andrew Jackman - Love Storynot rated1:08
30. Llona Sekacz - Tides Of Memorynot rated1:10
31. John Devereaux - The Nightmare Beginsnot rated1:09
32. John Devereaux - Magic Dustnot rated1:09
33. John Devereaux - Fly Like The Windnot rated1:09
34. John Devereaux - Fancy Freenot rated1:09
35. Andrew Jackman - A Hollywood Fantasynot rated1:08
36. Bill Connor - The Wild Wild Westnot rated1:09
37. Andrew Jackman - Main Street Usanot rated1:08
38. Simon Chamberlain - Screen Heroes (Short)not rated0:41
39. Nick Glennie-Smith - Great Achievements (Short)not rated0:38
40. Richard Harvey - The Dream Team (Short)not rated0:39
41. Graham Preskett - Pride Of Place (Short)not rated0:39
42. Tony Hymas - Final Victory (Short)not rated0:39
43. Andrew Jackman - Starfleet (Short)not rated0:40
44. Llona Sekacz - The Silver Blade (Short)not rated0:39
45. Bill Connor - The American Way (Short)not rated0:39
46. Simon Chamberlain - A Love Of Adventure (Short)not rated0:39
47. Stephen Baker - Final Encounter (Short)not rated0:38
48. Simon Chamberlain - Turmoil (Short)not rated0:36
49. Richard Harvey - Knife Edge (Short)not rated0:38
50. John Devereaux - Armed Response (Short)not rated0:39
51. Richard Harvey - Dangerous Encounters (Short)not rated0:40
52. Matthew Cang - 20th Century Gothic (Short)not rated0:41
53. Paul Pritchard - The Last Frontier (Short)not rated0:39
54. Rupert Gregson-Williams - Extreme Measures (Short)not rated0:40
55. Simon Chamberlain - Love Overture (Short)not rated0:40
56. Philip Appleby - Long Journey's End (Short)not rated0:40
57. Bill Connor - My Homeland (Short)not rated0:39
58. Stephen Baker - A Fresh Start (Short)not rated0:40
59. Graham Preskett - My Story Begins (Short)not rated0:39
60. Richard Harvey - A Noble Sadness (Short)not rated0:38
61. Richard Harvey - The Spirit Of Truth (Short)not rated0:39
62. Paul Pritchard - Now And Forever (Short)not rated0:40
63. Bill Connor - Reflections Of A Life (Short)not rated0:39
64. Clive Malabar - Our Separate Ways (Short)not rated0:38
65. Bill Connor - Dance In The Dark (Short)not rated0:38
66. Andrew Jackman - Love Story (Short)not rated0:38
67. Llona Sekacz - Tides Of Memory (Short)not rated0:38
68. John Devereaux - The Nightmare Begins (Short)not rated0:33
69. John Devereaux - Magic Dust (Short)not rated0:33
70. John Devereaux - Fly Like The Wind (Short)not rated0:40
71. John Devereaux - Fancy Free (Short)not rated0:40
72. Andrew Jackman - A Hollywood Fantasy (Short)not rated0:37
73. Bill Connor - The Wild Wild West (Short)not rated0:38
74. Andrew Jackman - Main Street Usa (Short)not rated0:34

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