Annie Lennox/Fran Walsh/Howard Shore, Various artists
Sounds of Heaven - Drama 1

Various artists - Sounds of Heaven - Drama 1

  • Release date: 2009
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:18:48
  • ***
  • Added April 26, 2009
  • Played April 26, 2009
  • Rated April 26, 2009


1. Intro - Freedom Fightersnot rated2:24
2. Hans Zimmer - Tears of the Sunnot rated0:47
3. Hans Zimmer - The Lion Kingnot rated3:27
4. Klaus Badelt - Rescue Dawnnot rated3:21
5. Hans Zimmer - The Last Samurainot rated8:03
6. Daniel Licht - Dexternot rated0:53
7. Paul Hepker & Mark Kilian - Renditionnot rated1:45
8. John Debney - Dragonflynot rated3:57
9. Paul Cantelon - W.not rated3:06
10. Steve Jablonsky - Transformersnot rated1:53
11. Basil Poledouris - The Legend Of Butch & Sundancenot rated1:20
12. David Wingo & Jeff McIlwain - Snow Angelsnot rated0:57
13. Michael Giacchino - Lostnot rated3:23
14. Harry Gregson-Williams - Gone Baby Gonenot rated2:56
15. David Robbins - Saviornot rated2:28
16. Mark Isham - The Mistnot rated7:19
17. Hans Zimmer - The Da Vinci Codenot rated4:09
18. John Debney - The Passion of the Christnot rated2:47
19. Harry Gregson-Williams - Man on Firenot rated6:54
20. Mark Isham - Crashnot rated6:44
21. Christopher Gordon - On the Beachnot rated2:25
22. Michael Giacchino - Lost IInot rated2:01
23. Howard Shore - The Lord of the Ringsnot rated5:49

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