Chuck Mangione
Children of Sanches

Chuck Mangione - Children of Sanches

  • Release date: 1978
  • Genre: Jazz/General Jazz
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:23:32
  • ***
  • Added April 17, 2009
  • Played April 17, 2009
  • Rated April 17, 2009


1. Children of Sanchez Overturenot rated14:09
2. Hot Consuelonot rated4:04
3. Lullabye #1not rated3:52
4. Death Scenenot rated4:44
5. Fanfarenot rated1:09
6. Market Placenot rated3:12
7. Pilgrimage Part 1not rated3:00
8. Echanonot rated2:43
9. Pilgrimage Part 2not rated2:41
10. Bellavianot rated3:16
11. Concuelo's Love Themenot rated17:02
12. Lullabyenot rated3:42
13. Medleynot rated8:22
14. B'byenot rated8:30
15. Children of Sanchez (Finale)not rated3:06

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