Laurence Rosenthal
Becket (Promo)

Laurence Rosenthal - Becket (Promo)

  • Genre: Soundtrack/Chorus
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 40:10
  • *** 1/2
  • Added April 9, 2009
  • Played April 9, 2009
  • Rated April 9, 2009


1. main titlenot rated6:59
2. days of youthnot rated1:44
3. the huntnot rated2:50
4. gwendolennot rated6:40
5. triumph in francenot rated3:28
6. consecration at canterburynot rated4:52
7. trial and escape to courtnot rated4:05
8. meeting on the beachnot rated2:29
9. becket's martyrdomnot rated5:19
10. end titlenot rated1:44

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