Bernard Herrmann
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

Bernard Herrmann - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 41:41
  • ****
  • Added March 22, 2009
  • Played March 22, 2009
  • Rated March 22, 2009


1. Prelude Local Train The Seanot rated3:59
2. The Ghost The Storm The Apparitionnot rated4:43
3. The Lights And Bedtimenot rated2:51
4. Poetrynot rated2:20
5. Lucia Dictation Boyhoods End Pastoralnot rated3:53
6. Nocturnenot rated2:25
7. London The Reading Local Trainnot rated2:34
8. The Spring Seanot rated4:51
9. Romance Love Farewellnot rated5:15
10. The Home And Sorrownot rated3:17
11. The Passing Years And The Late Seanot rated2:53
12. Forevernot rated2:40

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