Johnny Mandel

Johnny Mandel - Agatha

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 31:30
  • **
  • Added February 7, 2009
  • Played February 9, 2009
  • Rated February 9, 2009


1. Close Enough For Lovenot rated3:36
2. Main Title From Agathanot rated3:01
3. Goodnightnot rated3:53
4. Decisionnot rated4:08
5. I wish you willnot rated2:57
6. The Harrogate Charlestonnot rated1:04
7. Foot Chase and Climaxnot rated4:41
8. Old Swan Dixie - The Diarynot rated4:32
9. Theme for Agatha (End Title)not rated3:38

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