Miklos Rozsa
Valley of The Kings

Miklos Rozsa - Valley of The Kings

  • Release date: 1954
  • Genre: Other/Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 41:08
  • not rated
  • Added September 2, 2008


1. Track 01not rated2:13
2. Valley of Kings - The Statuenot rated2:19
3. Valley of Kings - Carriage Chasenot rated2:45
4. Valley of Kings - Waltz at the Hotelnot rated2:27
5. Miklós Rózsa - 05. Night At The Pyramidsnot rated1:20
6. Valley of Kings - Taylor's Story-Day Journeynot rated1:44
7. Valley of Kings - Oasis-The Scorpion-Mount Sinainot rated3:18
8. Valley of Kings - The Trek Beginsnot rated2:34
9. Valley of Kings - Native Dancenot rated1:14
10. Track 10not rated1:23
11. Valley of Kings - The Riffle-Sandstormnot rated0:48
12. Valley of Kings - The Search-Collapse in the Desert-Bedouinsnot rated4:46
13. Valley of Kings - Camp Musicnot rated0:36
14. Valley of Kings - Love Scene-The Tombs-The Cavenot rated7:45
15. Valley of Kings - Final Confrontation-Up the Nilenot rated3:00
16. Valley of Kings - Finalenot rated2:56

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