
Compilation - Epics

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 4:51:43
  • *****
  • Added August 8, 2008
  • Played January 1, 2011
  • Rated January 1, 2011


1. One Million Years BC - Suitenot rated7:18
2. The Ten Commandments - Suitenot rated7:54
3. Alexander - Across The Mountainsnot rated4:16
4. Sodom And Gomorrah - Overturenot rated5:01
5. The 300 Spartans - March Of The Snot rated4:01
6. Troy - Remembernot rated6:06
7. Alexander - Eternal Alexandernot rated4:14
8. Quo Vadis - Ave Caesarnot rated4:52
9. The Robe - Prelude Love Themenot rated5:42
10. Demetrius And The Gladiators - Opnot rated5:36
11. Cleopatra - Caesar And Cleopatranot rated2:47
12. Antony And Cleopatra - Suitenot rated6:41
13. Gladiator - Suitenot rated7:17
14. Gladiator - Now We Are Freenot rated4:27
1. Masada - Suitenot rated5:12
2. Spartacus - Main Titlenot rated3:39
3. Spartacus - Love Themenot rated2:49
4. The Fall Of The Roman Empire - Panot rated5:31
5. The Fall Of The Roman Empire - Ovnot rated3:57
6. The Greatest Story Ever Told - Thnot rated7:14
7. Jesus Of Nazareth - Suitenot rated8:23
8. Ben Hure - Parade Of The Chariotenot rated3:37
9. Ben Hur - Love Themenot rated2:56
10. The Silver Chalice - Preludenot rated2:51
11. The Passion Of Christ - Resurrectnot rated4:52
12. The War Lord - Preludenot rated4:20
13. El Cid - Love Themenot rated4:16
14. El Cid - Overturenot rated3:32
15. The Vikings - Suitenot rated10:04
1. Flesh And Blood - Preludenot rated5:02
2. The Last Valley - Main Title & Finot rated8:06
3. Prince Valiant - Preludenot rated1:53
4. Taras Bulba - The Ride To Dubnonot rated4:56
5. The Sea Hawk - Suitenot rated6:29
6. The Crimson Pirate - Suitenot rated7:23
7. Pirates Of The Carribbean - Suitenot rated7:34
8. Captain Blood - Main Titlenot rated2:53
9. The Lion In Winter - Suitenot rated8:55
10. Henry V - Prelude Ofor A Muse Ofnot rated4:29
11. Henry V - Overture The Globenot rated6:26
12. Mary Queen Of Scotts - Main Themenot rated2:31
13. The Private Lives Of Elizabeth Annot rated7:18
1. Excalibur - O Fortunanot rated2:44
2. First Knight - Suitenot rated6:10
3. The Adventures Of Robin Hood Manot rated4:06
4. Braveheart - End Creditsnot rated7:06
5. Mutinity On The Bounty - Overturenot rated5:23
6. 1492 Conquest Of Paradise - Mainnot rated5:06
7. Captain From Castile - Conquestnot rated3:23
8. The Mission - Suitenot rated8:44
9. The Alamonot rated5:07
10. The Charge Of The Light Brigade -not rated2:27
11. Lawrence Of Arabia - Overturenot rated4:38
12. Zulu - Main Themenot rated2:36
13. The Last Samurai - The Last Samurnot rated6:25
14. Exodus - Overturenot rated4:28

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