Danny Elfman
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Complete

Danny Elfman - Charlie And The Chocolate Factory  Complete

  • Release date: 2005
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:20:24
  • not rated
  • Added August 23, 2008
  • Played August 30, 2010


1. main titlenot rated4:59
2. toothpaste factorynot rated0:19
3. wonka's first shopnot rated1:36
4. the indian palacenot rated3:11
5. wheels in motionnot rated3:14
6. august's ticknot rated0:19
7. salt's nutsnot rated1:06
8. charlie's birthdaynot rated1:51
9. mr. bucket's jobnot rated1:02
10. ten dollarsnot rated1:18
11. the golden ticketnot rated2:29
12. we're not going - factory - wonka's welcome songnot rated4:33
13. chocolate explorersnot rated2:46
14. enjoynot rated3:26
15. loompa land - cocoa beansnot rated0:22
16. deal (cue)not rated0:14
17. the pipe - augustus gloopnot rated4:14
18. the boat arrivesnot rated0:50
19. the river cruisenot rated1:42
20. trick or treat (cue)not rated0:21
21. the river cruise - part 2not rated2:50
22. inventing roomnot rated0:34
23. hair toffeenot rated0:21
24. violet turning violetnot rated1:36
25. violet beauregardenot rated1:57
26. first candynot rated1:23
27. squirrel attacknot rated3:00
28. mr. salt (cue) - veruca saltnot rated2:27
29. the elevator suitenot rated3:29
30. macarena (source)not rated0:05
31. also sprach zarathustranot rated2:46
32. don't push my buttonnot rated0:56
33. mike teaveenot rated1:36
34. the only onenot rated0:41
35. up and outnot rated2:45
36. finding an heirnot rated0:41
37. charlie declinesnot rated1:37
38. things getting betternot rated0:47
39. dr. wilbur wonka, d.d.s.not rated0:57
40. finale - end credits suitenot rated10:04

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