FranklyNot Project

FranklyNot Project - Bananas

  • Genre: Blues/Dance
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:18:01
  • not rated
  • Added June 25, 2008
  • Played July 8, 2009


1. Comedy Tonight vocal Zero Mostel S Sondheim AFunnyThingHappenedOnTheWayToTheForumnot rated3:28
2. Seduzione P Umiliani LaSchiavanot rated1:37
3. Main Title L Bacalov LoScatenatonot rated2:18
4. Fox at Bay J Addison TheHoneyPotnot rated1:18
5. Hi There, Miss Goodthighs B Bacharach CasinoRoyalenot rated1:14
6. Main Title D Frontiere TheStuntMannot rated3:12
7. Miss Katorcia B Nicolai WhenWomenLostTheirTailsnot rated1:05
8. Strange Bath J Brion IHeartHuckabeesnot rated0:54
9. Xavier a La Maison D'Arret F D Roubaix LaScoumounenot rated2:31
10. La Corrida E Morricone TheBigGundownnot rated1:50
11. Way Out There C Burwell RaisingArizonanot rated1:15
12. Powerhouse C Stalling LooneyTunesnot rated2:53
13. Flip Flop A Trovaioli PaoloIlCaldonot rated3:07
14. Cartoon Capers N Hefti HowToMurderYourWifenot rated2:22
15. Main Title H Mancini RevengeOfThePinkPanthernot rated4:34
16. L'Harem N Rota 8AndAHalfnot rated4:29
17. Track Eleven E Bernstein ILoveYouAliceBToklasnot rated1:56
18. The Fuzz F DeVol TheHappeningnot rated2:30
19. Brontolone E Morricone CresceteEMoitiplicatevinot rated5:05
20. The Duel G Moroder ElectricDreamsnot rated3:45
21. Dinner Rush M Giacchino Ratatouillenot rated5:00
22. Main Title F Waxman ThePhiladelphiaStorynot rated2:03
23. Eight on the Lam G Romanis 8OnTheLamnot rated5:03
24. Main Title V Cosma TheMadAdventuresOfRabbiJacobnot rated2:37
25. Teme di Alfronso S Cipriani CaraSposanot rated1:56
26. A Small Favor J Goldsmith TheBlueMaxnot rated0:56
27. Pursuit to the Chemistry G Delerue PromiseAtDawnnot rated2:00
28. Get Me to the Opera on Time C Fox FoulPlaynot rated3:01
29. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World vocal E Goldnot rated2:19
30. When You're Smiling vocal Roberta Flack Q Jones Dollarsnot rated1:43

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