Michael Giacchino
Lost - Via Domus Video game

Michael Giacchino - Lost - Via Domus Video game

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 40:41
  • not rated
  • Added July 11, 2008
  • Played April 3, 2009


1. - main themenot rated2:32
2. - menu themenot rated1:09
3. - eye opennot rated0:49
4. - junglenot rated1:32
5. - chasing vincentnot rated0:32
6. - stopping fuel leaknot rated1:35
7. - pause screennot rated0:57
8. - attacked on the beachnot rated0:38
9. - monsternot rated0:45
10. - a beach in thailandnot rated0:50
11. - cavesnot rated1:59
12. - the cockpitnot rated1:25
13. - ben encounternot rated0:40
14. - back on the beachnot rated0:43
15. - more junglenot rated1:06
16. - discovering the hatchnot rated0:33
17. - the compass (slight sfx)not rated1:57
18. - even more junglenot rated0:32
19. - hatch is opennot rated0:26
20. - in the hatchnot rated0:45
21. - countdownnot rated1:04
22. - suspicious laptopnot rated1:16
23. - kate unlocks the doornot rated0:23
24. - dark territorynot rated1:00
25. - black rocknot rated0:13
26. - magnet roomnot rated1:59
27. - magnet disablednot rated1:00
28. - smoke chasenot rated1:59
29. - sonic fencenot rated1:05
30. - betrayalnot rated0:46
31. - the flamenot rated1:14
32. - back at black rocknot rated2:27
33. - 1 mile dashnot rated2:15
34. - end creditsnot rated2:01
35. - game overnot rated0:34

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