Ensemble Studios
Age of Empires Collectors Edition

Ensemble Studios - Age of Empires Collectors Edition

  • Release date: 2000
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:00:14
  • not rated
  • Added May 23, 2008
  • Played June 2, 2008


1. Shamburgernot rated3:27
2. Voodoodoodoonot rated2:58
3. Polyester Jammynot rated2:20
4. Tide Me Over Warm 'em Upsnot rated2:50
5. Huntnot rated2:35
6. Where Credit is Duenot rated3:37
7. Begelow's Bungalownot rated3:05
8. Smells Like Crickets, Tastes Like Chickennot rated2:54
9. Gamelannot rated3:27
10. The Bovinian Dervativenot rated3:09
11. Rise of Rome Creditsnot rated1:28
12. Deathnot rated2:06
13. T Stationnot rated3:11
14. Tango Alpha Bravonot rated3:10
15. Droppin' tha Trounot rated3:51
16. Rainnot rated3:26
17. Hyman's Wrathnot rated2:55
18. Ride, Lawrence, Ride!not rated2:46
19. Pork Partsnot rated3:05
20. Age of Empires Theme (Single Mix)not rated3:54

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