1. A Once Proud People | not rated | 3:46 |
2. A Once Proud People (edit) | not rated | 1:01 |
3. Across the Bridge | not rated | 1:06 |
4. The American Dream | not rated | 1:32 |
5. Box of Chocolates | not rated | 2:51 |
6. Come See Come Saw | not rated | 3:18 |
7. Dare to Dream | not rated | 2:03 |
8. Fall of a Legend | not rated | 1:39 |
9. Feel the Magic | not rated | 1:19 |
10. Feel the Magic 30 | not rated | 0:34 |
11. Fire in Paradise | not rated | 2:14 |
12. For Honor & Glory | not rated | 2:53 |
13. For Which We Stand | not rated | 2:57 |
14. For Which We Stand 60 | not rated | 1:09 |
15. Forgotten Dreams | not rated | 1:00 |
16. Good to be Alive | not rated | 1:12 |
17. Homecoming | not rated | 1:05 |
18. Hunt for a Huron King | not rated | 1:00 |
19. Hunt of the Hurons | not rated | 2:52 |
20. Last Ride | not rated | 1:56 |
21. Legacy | not rated | 2:19 |
22. New Day | not rated | 0:38 |
23. The New Land | not rated | 2:26 |
24. Of Men & Legends | not rated | 2:22 |
25. One Man's Courage | not rated | 2:26 |
26. Plateau | not rated | 0:37 |
27. Prayer | not rated | 2:58 |
28. Rhapsody | not rated | 2:49 |
29. Saint of the Streets | not rated | 0:37 |
30. Shadows of Angels | not rated | 2:17 |
31. Shield & Sword | not rated | 1:28 |
32. Swept Away | not rated | 1:20 |
33. Teamsters Salute | not rated | 1:46 |
34. Those We Left Behind | not rated | 0:55 |
35. Turning Home | not rated | 2:02 |
36. Unrequited Love | not rated | 1:57 |
37. The Waltz | not rated | 1:57 |
38. War Torn | not rated | 1:11 |
39. We Die as Free Men | not rated | 1:24 |
40. Wolf Moon Powwow | not rated | 2:32 |
| 1:13:28 |
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