Immediate Music
Epic #1

Immediate Music - Epic #1

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:13:28
  • not rated
  • Added May 20, 2008
  • Played December 2, 2008


1. A Once Proud Peoplenot rated3:46
2. A Once Proud People (edit)not rated1:01
3. Across the Bridgenot rated1:06
4. The American Dreamnot rated1:32
5. Box of Chocolatesnot rated2:51
6. Come See Come Sawnot rated3:18
7. Dare to Dreamnot rated2:03
8. Fall of a Legendnot rated1:39
9. Feel the Magicnot rated1:19
10. Feel the Magic 30not rated0:34
11. Fire in Paradisenot rated2:14
12. For Honor & Glorynot rated2:53
13. For Which We Standnot rated2:57
14. For Which We Stand 60not rated1:09
15. Forgotten Dreamsnot rated1:00
16. Good to be Alivenot rated1:12
17. Homecomingnot rated1:05
18. Hunt for a Huron Kingnot rated1:00
19. Hunt of the Huronsnot rated2:52
20. Last Ridenot rated1:56
21. Legacynot rated2:19
22. New Daynot rated0:38
23. The New Landnot rated2:26
24. Of Men & Legendsnot rated2:22
25. One Man's Couragenot rated2:26
26. Plateaunot rated0:37
27. Prayernot rated2:58
28. Rhapsodynot rated2:49
29. Saint of the Streetsnot rated0:37
30. Shadows of Angelsnot rated2:17
31. Shield & Swordnot rated1:28
32. Swept Awaynot rated1:20
33. Teamsters Salutenot rated1:46
34. Those We Left Behindnot rated0:55
35. Turning Homenot rated2:02
36. Unrequited Lovenot rated1:57
37. The Waltznot rated1:57
38. War Tornnot rated1:11
39. We Die as Free Mennot rated1:24
40. Wolf Moon Powwownot rated2:32

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