J.A.C. Redford
One Night with the King

J.A.C. Redford - One Night with the King

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:05:51
  • not rated
  • Added March 23, 2008


1. A Single Act of Disobediencenot rated3:34
2. A Beautiful Young Girlnot rated2:17
3. The Descendants of Agagnot rated1:21
4. Haman's Newsnot rated1:42
5. A Season of Feastingnot rated2:09
6. The Emperor of the Worldnot rated1:09
7. Esther of Sousanot rated3:49
8. The Story of Gilgameshnot rated1:22
9. The Plunder of the Empirenot rated1:16
10. The Story of Jacobnot rated3:08
11. Beguilednot rated3:32
12. War Gamesnot rated1:02
13. I Can't Leavenot rated1:50
14. Treasure Without Pricenot rated2:20
15. Kingdom of Lovenot rated3:19
16. An Order to Staynot rated1:55
17. The Hour of Troublenot rated1:46
18. The Man the King Delights Innot rated3:20
19. For Such a Time as Thisnot rated4:24
20. Unsummoned Before the Kingnot rated2:45
21. There Is But One Waynot rated1:35
22. Esther's Petitionnot rated3:36
23. A Mockerynot rated3:41
24. I Saw the Starsnot rated1:34
25. One Night with the King - End Creditsnot rated7:25

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