1. The song of Fire and Ice / Leikr elds ok isa | not rated | 2:17 |
2. Veit ek at ek hekk - Odinn's Rune verses | not rated | 5:41 |
3. The Prophecy of the Seeress / Hliod's bid ek allar | not rated | 10:11 |
4. The Tale of Prymr / Vreidr var pa Ving-Porr | not rated | 13:52 |
5. The Song of the Mill / Nu erum komnar | not rated | 12:16 |
6. In Memory of Baldr / Baldrs minni | not rated | 3:33 |
7. Baldr's Dreams / Senn voru aesir allir a pingi | not rated | 9:32 |
8. The Prophecy of the Seeress / Pat man hon folkvig | not rated | 6:22 |
9. The End of the Gods / Ragnarok | not rated | 1:28 |
10. The Prophecy of the Seeress / A fellr austan um eitrdala | not rated | 11:33 |
| 1:16:50 |
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