Complete list of chico's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
X-Ray DogNasty MutationXRCD17 - Bites Barks Growls0:29not ratedMP32005
X-Ray DogNative RushXRCD17 - Bites Barks Growls0:49not ratedMP32005
X-Ray DogNative SoilK-9 Empire I [Drama] - [256]1:10not ratedMP3
X-Ray DogNative Soil (Edit)Bite Size Disc 1 - Orchestral0:29not ratedMP32010
X-Ray DogNecropheliaXRCD16 - Hellhoundsnot ratedMP32005
X-Ray DogNerve Twitch (3 Hits)XRCD18 - B.B.G. Elements0:17not ratedMP32005
X-Ray DogNeuro DanceXRCD05 - Fresh Meat1:58not ratedMP32002
X-Ray DogNew DimensionInternal Organs [Scary Sound Design Elements] - [192]0:37not ratedMP32009
X-Ray DogNew Gothic (Remix)XRCD14 - Dog Eat Dog Inot ratedMP32004
X-Ray DogNew HeightsSeeing Eye [Lite Drama Dramedy] - [320]1:52not ratedMP32010
X-Ray DogNew Sheriff in TownNight Hounds [Modern Drama] - [320]2:17not ratedMP32009
X-Ray DogNew Sheriff in Town (No End Melody)Night Hounds [Modern Drama] - [320]2:18not ratedMP32009
X-Ray DogNew Sheriff in Town (No Lead Guitar)Night Hounds [Modern Drama] - [320]2:18not ratedMP32009
X-Ray DogNew York NoirPet Shop (PG) [Pop Comedy Advertising] - [128]0:27not ratedMP32010
X-Ray DogNew York Noir (Edit)Bite Size Disc 3 - Cover Styles0:27not ratedMP3
X-Ray DogNexusBare Bones [Action Suspense Thriller] - [320]1:25not ratedMP32010
X-Ray DogNexus (Drums/FX)Bare Bones [Action Suspense Thriller] - [320]1:21not ratedMP32010
X-Ray DogNight ChaseXRCD05 - Fresh Meat2:10not ratedMP32002
X-Ray DogNight SweatsInternal Organs [Scary Sound Design Elements] - [192]0:23not ratedMP32009
X-Ray DogNight TerrorsInternal Organs [Scary Sound Design Elements] - [192]0:28not ratedMP32009
X-Ray DogNinja DuelXRCD17 - Bites Barks Growls0:30not ratedMP32005
X-Ray DogNinja Duel EditBite Size Disc 4 - Pop0:30not ratedMP3
X-Ray DogNinth Ring Of HellXRCD16 - Hellhoundsnot ratedMP32005
X-Ray DogNitebeatXRCD05 - Fresh Meat1:23not ratedMP32002
X-Ray DogNo EscapeXRCD02 - Bonz Unleashed0:50not ratedMP32002

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