Complete list of chico's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
SalemAsiaKing Night (2010) - V03:35not ratedMP32010
SalemFrostKing Night (2010) - V03:24not ratedMP32010
SalemHoundKing Night (2010) - V04:32not ratedMP32010
SalemKillerKing Night (2010) - V04:51not ratedMP32010
SalemKing NightKing Night (2010) - V03:49not ratedMP32010
SalemRedlightsKing Night (2010) - V03:42not ratedMP32010
SalemRelease Da BoarKing Night (2010) - V04:59not ratedMP32010
SalemSickKing Night (2010) - V03:19not ratedMP32010
SalemTairKing Night (2010) - V02:08not ratedMP32010
SalemTrapdoorKing Night (2010) - V04:31not ratedMP32010
SalemTraxxKing Night (2010) - V04:41not ratedMP32010
Saliva1000 EyesRise Up3:35not ratedMP32014
SalivaAll Because of YouBack into Your System4:42not ratedMP32002
SalivaAlwaysBack into Your System3:51not ratedMP32002
SalivaArmyRise Up3:10not ratedMP32014
SalivaBack into Your SystemBack into Your System4:31not ratedMP32002
SalivaBadassUnder Your Skin3:05not ratedMP32011
SalivaBail & SwitchSurvival Of The Sickest3:34not ratedMP32004
SalivaBetter DaysUnder Your Skin3:40not ratedMP32011
SalivaBlack SheepBlood Stained Love Story5:23not ratedMP32007
SalivaBroken SundayBlood Stained Love Story3:53not ratedMP32007
SalivaBurn It UpUnder Your Skin2:57not ratedMP32011
SalivaCarry OnSurvival Of The Sickest3:30not ratedMP32004
SalivaChokeRise Up3:32not ratedMP32014
SalivaCloserRise Up3:24not ratedMP32014

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