Complete list of chico's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MusePanic StationThe 2nd Law3:04not ratedMP32012
MusePreludeThe 2nd Law0:57not ratedMP32012
MuseSave MeThe 2nd Law5:08not ratedMP32012
MuseSupremacyThe 2nd Law4:55not ratedMP32012
MuseSurvivalThe 2nd Law4:17not ratedMP32012
MuseThe 2nd Law: Isolated SystemThe 2nd Law5:00not ratedMP32012
MuseThe 2nd Law: UnsustainableThe 2nd Law3:48not ratedMP32012
Mushroomhead12 HundredSavior Sorrow3:21not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadBurnSavior Sorrow2:53not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadCut MeSavior Sorrow5:25not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadDamage DoneSavior Sorrow3:41not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadEmbrace The EndingSavior Sorrow4:54not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadErase The DoubtSavior Sorrow4:16not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadJust PretendingSavior Sorrow4:12not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadSave UsSavior Sorrow3:47not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadSimple SurvivalSavior Sorrow3:15not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadTattooSavior Sorrow4:08not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadThe FallenSavior Sorrow4:23not ratedMP32006
MushroomheadThe NeedSavior Sorrow4:56not ratedMP32006
Musiq SoulchildBackagainOnmyradio4:07not ratedMP32008
Musiq SoulchildDearjohnOnmyradio4:33not ratedMP32008
Musiq SoulchildDeserveumoreOnmyradio3:54not ratedMP32008
Musiq SoulchildIfuleaveOnmyradio4:15not ratedMP32008
Musiq SoulchildIwannabeOnmyradio4:21not ratedMP32008
Musiq SoulchildLoveofmylifeOnmyradio5:16not ratedMP32008

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