Complete list of cainemutiny's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Led ZeppelinTangerineLed Zeppelin III3:09not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinTen Years GonePhysical Graffiti6:34not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThank YouLed Zeppelin II4:48not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinThank YouLed Zeppelin4:48not ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinThat's the WayLed Zeppelin III5:37not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThe CrungeHouses of the Holy3:15not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThe Lemon SongLed Zeppelin II6:19not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinThe Lemon SongLed Zeppelin II6:22not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinThe Lemon SongLed Zeppelin6:22not ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinThe Lemon SongLed Zeppelin6:19not ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinThe OceanHouses of the Holy4:31not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThe Rain SongHouses of the Holy7:39not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThe RoverPhysical Graffiti5:38not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains the SameHouses of the Holy5:29not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinThe Song Remains the SameLed Zeppelinnot ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinThe Wanton SongPhysical Graffiti4:09not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinTrampled Under FootPhysical Graffiti5:38not ratedCD
Led ZeppelinWhat Is and What Should Never BeLed Zeppelin II4:48not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinWhat Is and What Should Never BeLed Zeppelin4:48not ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinWhite Summer/Black Mountain Side [*]Led Zeppelin8:04not ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveLed Zeppelin II5:34not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveLed Zeppelin II5:34not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinWhole Lotta LoveLed Zeppelin5:34not ratedMP3
Led ZeppelinYou Shook MeLed Zeppelin6:27not ratedMP31969
Led ZeppelinYou Shook MeLed Zeppelin6:27not ratedMP3

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