Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The Soft MachineJoy Of A ToyThe Soft Machine2:49not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineLullabye LetterThe Soft Machine4:42not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineMoon In JuneMoon In June13:06not ratedCD1969
The Soft MachineOrange Skin FoodVolume Two1:47not ratedCDR1969
The Soft MachineOut of TunesVolume Two2:34not ratedCDR1969
The Soft MachinePataphysical Introduction - Part IVolume Two1:00not ratedCDR1969
The Soft MachinePataphysical Introduction - Part IIVolume Two0:51not ratedCDR1969
The Soft MachinePigVolume Two2:09not ratedCDR1969
The Soft MachinePlus Belle Qu'Une PoubelleThe Soft Machine1:00not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachinePriscillaThe Soft Machine1:03not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineSave YourselfThe Soft Machine2:25not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineSlightly All The TimeMoon In June19:45not ratedCD1969
The Soft MachineSo Boot If At AllThe Soft Machine7:24not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineTenthirty Returns To The BedroomMoon In June18:04not ratedCD1969
The Soft MachineThank You Pierrot LunaireVolume Two0:48not ratedCDR1969
The Soft MachineWe Did It AgainThe Soft Machine3:46not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineWhy Am I So Short?The Soft Machine1:37not ratedCDR1968
The Soft MachineWhy Are We SleepingThe Soft Machine5:32not ratedCDR1968
The Sonora PineWeak kneedTouch And Go & Quarterstick Records3:42not ratedCD1998
The Soundtrack Of Our Lives21st Century Rip OffBehind The Music3:56not ratedCD2001
The Soundtrack Of Our LivesAll For SaleExtended Revelation6:07not ratedCD1998
The Soundtrack Of Our LivesAqua VeraExtended Revelation1:15not ratedCD1998
The Soundtrack Of Our LivesBlack StarExtended Revelation5:15not ratedCD1998
The Soundtrack Of Our LivesBroken Imaginary TimeBehind The Music5:14not ratedCD2001
The Soundtrack Of Our LivesCentury ChildExtended Revelation3:30not ratedCD1998

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