Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The SadiesOne Million SongsTremendous Efforts1:54not ratedMP32001
The SadiesOnly Good OnePure Diamond Gold1:04not ratedMP31999
The SadiesOnly You and Your EyesFavourite Colours2:15not ratedMP32004
The SadiesPass the ChutneyTremendous Efforts2:18not ratedMP32001
The SadiesRat CreekPure Diamond Gold1:18not ratedMP31999
The SadiesReward of GoldPure Diamond Gold1:29not ratedMP31999
The SadiesRidge Runner RagTremendous Efforts1:15not ratedMP32001
The SadiesRidge Runner RellTremendous Efforts1:18not ratedMP32001
The SadiesSong of the Chief Musician (Part 2)Favourite Colours2:10not ratedMP32004
The SadiesSpark CatcherPure Diamond Gold1:21not ratedMP31999
The SadiesStarling AutoPure Diamond Gold1:11not ratedMP31999
The SadiesStinking CreekPure Diamond Gold0:51not ratedMP31999
The SadiesSuch A Little WordStories Often Told3:32not ratedMP32002
The SadiesTalkin' DownPure Diamond Gold1:54not ratedMP31999
The SadiesThe Creepy ButlerTremendous Efforts1:49not ratedMP32001
The SadiesThe Curdled JourneyFavourite Colours2:53not ratedMP32004
The SadiesThe IcebergFavourite Colours2:26not ratedMP32004
The SadiesThe Last of the GoodTremendous Efforts3:35not ratedMP32001
The SadiesThe Story's Often ToldStories Often Told2:48not ratedMP32002
The SadiesTiger TigerStories Often Told3:46not ratedMP32002
The SadiesTranslucent SparrowFavourite Colours2:59not ratedMP32004
The SadiesVenison CreekPure Diamond Gold1:34not ratedMP31999
The SadiesWalking BossPure Diamond Gold2:13not ratedMP31999
The SadiesWasn't Born to FollowTremendous Efforts2:29not ratedMP32001
The SadiesWhy Be So Curious? (Part 3)Favourite Colours2:39not ratedMP32004

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