Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The GatheringLeaves live w OrchestraAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides4:11not rated2CD2005
The GatheringLife Is What You Make It Talk Talk cover versionAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides4:52not rated2CD2005
The GatheringLike FountainsAlmost a Dance7:40not ratedCD1993
The GatheringLike Fountains (v. 2003)Sleepy Buildings - A Semi Acoustic Evening6:46not ratedCD2004
The GatheringLocked AwaySleepy Buildings - A Semi Acoustic Evening3:35not ratedCD2004
The GatheringMaroonedSleepy Buildings - A Semi Acoustic Evening5:31not ratedCD2004
The GatheringMonstersSouvenirs5:01not ratedCD2003
The GatheringMy ElectricitySleepy Buildings - A Semi Acoustic Evening3:23not ratedCD2004
The GatheringMy ElectricityAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides3:03not rated2CD2005
The GatheringNew Moon, Different DayAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides6:17not rated2CD2005
The GatheringNew Moon, Different DayNighttime Birds6:06not ratedCD1997
The GatheringNighttime BirdsNighttime Birds7:02not ratedCD1997
The GatheringNighttime BirdsAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides7:01not rated2CD2005
The GatheringNobody DaresAlmost a Dance3:27not ratedCD1993
The GatheringOn a WaveAlmost a Dance5:48not ratedCD1993
The GatheringOn Most SurfacesAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides7:30not rated2CD2005
The GatheringOn Most Surfaces (Inuït)Nighttime Birds6:54not ratedCD1997
The GatheringProbably Built In The FiftiesAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides8:25not rated2CD2005
The GatheringProofAlmost a Dance6:13not ratedCD1993
The GatheringRed Is A Slow ColourAccessories: Rarities & B-Sides6:08not rated2CD2005
The GatheringRed Is A Slow ColourSleepy Buildings - A Semi Acoustic Evening5:38not ratedCD2004
The GatheringSaturnineSleepy Buildings - A Semi Acoustic Evening4:54not ratedCD2004
The GatheringSaturnineVery Metal 154:56not ratedCD2004
The GatheringSecond SunriseAlways6:42not ratedCD1992
The GatheringShortest DayHome4:13not ratedCD2006

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