Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The AutersBailed OutSharks Patrol These Waters: The Best Of Volume Too3:44not rated2CD1995
The AuteursA Sister Like YouNow I'm A Cowboy2:48not ratedCD1994
The AuteursAfter Murder ParkAfter Murder Park2:00not ratedCD1996
The AuteursAmerican GuitarsNew Wave3:31not ratedCD1993
The AuteursBailed OutNew Wave3:44not ratedCD1993
The AuteursBrainchildNow I'm A Cowboy3:43not ratedCD1994
The AuteursBuddhaAfter Murder Park2:52not ratedCD1996
The AuteursChild BridesAfter Murder Park4:26not ratedCD1996
The AuteursChinese BakeryNow I'm A Cowboy3:05not ratedCD1994
The AuteursDaughter of a ChildNow I'm A Cowboy2:36not ratedCD1994
The AuteursDead Sea NavigatorsAfter Murder Park3:47not ratedCD1996
The AuteursDon't Trust The StarsNew Wave2:25not ratedCD1993
The AuteursEarly YearsNew Wave2:40not ratedCD1993
The AuteursEverything You Say Will Destroy YouAfter Murder Park2:42not ratedCD1996
The AuteursFear of FlyingAfter Murder Park4:41not ratedCD1996
The AuteursHome AgainNew Wave5:59not ratedCD1993
The AuteursHousebreakerNew Wave2:57not ratedCD1993
The AuteursHow Could I Be WrongNew Wave3:53not ratedCD1993
The AuteursI'm a Rich Man's ToyNow I'm A Cowboy2:54not ratedCD1994
The AuteursIdiot BrotherNew Wave5:45not ratedCD1993
The AuteursJunk Shop ClothesNew Wave2:42not ratedCD1993
The AuteursLand LoversAfter Murder Park2:31not ratedCD1996
The AuteursLenny ValentinoNow I'm A Cowboy2:20not ratedCD1994
The AuteursLife Classes / Life ModelNow I'm A Cowboy4:02not ratedCD1994
The AuteursLight Aircraft on FireAfter Murder Park2:17not ratedCD1996

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