Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Peter GabrielWall Of BreathPassion2:29not ratedCD1989
Peter GabrielWallflowerPeter Gabriel 46:38not ratedCD9/10/1982
Peter GabrielWashing of the WaterSecret World Live4:06not rated2CD1994
Peter GabrielWhite ShadowPeter Gabriel 25:18not ratedCD1978
Peter GabrielWith This LovePassion3:40not ratedCD1989
Peter GabrielWith This Love - ChoirPassion3:20not ratedCD1989
Peter GabrielZaarPassion4:53not ratedCD1989
Peter GabrielZaarShaking The Tree - Sixteen Golden Greats2:58not ratedCD1990
Peter GreenBottoms UpThe End Of The Game9:05not ratedCD1970
Peter GreenBurnt FootThe End Of The Game5:16not ratedCD1970
Peter GreenDescending ScaleThe End Of The Game8:17not ratedCD1970
Peter GreenHidden DepthThe End Of The Game4:54not ratedCD1970
Peter GreenThe End Of The GameThe End Of The Game5:08not ratedCD1970
Peter GreenTimeless TimeThe End Of The Game2:37not ratedCD1970
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansAlways So PoliteSpur of the Moment5:28not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansAn Imagined BrotherSpur of the Moment5:26not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansAnatol's ProposalSpur of the Moment4:06not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansBouncedSpur of the Moment5:20not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansDeprogramming ArchieSpur of the Moment1:52not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansMultimanSpur of the Moment8:11not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansRoger and OutSpur of the Moment1:37not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansSurprise / Little Did He KnowSpur of the Moment9:34not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansSweating It OutSpur of the Moment6:40not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansWithout a GlitchSpur of the Moment3:33not ratedCD1988
Peter Hammill & Guy EvansYou Think Not?Spur of the Moment4:33not ratedCD1988

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