Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
MagellanA World GrooveImpossible Figures6:30not ratedCD2003
MagellanAnother burningHour Of Restoration5:04not ratedMP31991
MagellanBach 16Impossible Figures2:46not ratedCD2003
MagellanBreaking these circlesHour Of Restoration5:17not ratedMP31991
MagellanBrother's keeperHundred Year Flood9:16not ratedMP32002
MagellanBully pulpit (Part I)Test Of Wills2:01not ratedMP31995
MagellanConfessor's OvertureImpossible Figures2:24not ratedCD2003
MagellanCounterpointsImpossible Figures5:59not ratedCD2003
MagellanCranium reef suiteSymphony For A Misanthrope18:05not ratedMP32005
MagellanCritic's carnivalTest Of Wills9:02not ratedMP31995
MagellanCrucibleTest Of Wills5:00not ratedMP31995
MagellanDoctor concoctorSymphony For A Misanthrope4:13not ratedMP32005
MagellanEstadium nacionalImpending Ascension11:16not ratedMP31993
MagellanEvery bullet needs bloodSymphony For A Misanthrope6:42not ratedMP32005
MagellanFamily jewelsHundred Year Flood5:56not ratedMP32002
MagellanFeel The CrossImpossible Figures6:36not ratedCD2003
MagellanFootball SoulImpossible Figures1:35not ratedCD2003
MagellanFoundInnocent God6:55not ratedMP32007
MagellanFriends of AmericaHour Of Restoration3:29not ratedMP31991
MagellanGamefaceTest Of Wills4:30not ratedMP31995
MagellanGorilla With A PitchforkImpossible Figures1:24not ratedCD2003
MagellanHallucination SuiteImpossible Figures5:14not ratedCD2003
MagellanHymn For A HeatenImpossible Figures3:15not ratedCD2003
MagellanInnocent godInnocent God9:21not ratedMP32007
MagellanInvisible bright manInnocent God6:19not ratedMP32007

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