Complete list of cacharros's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kraftwerkhome computerMinimum maximum5:55not ratedMP32005
KraftwerkHomecomputerThe Mix8:03not ratedMP31991
KraftwerkIntermissionRadio-Activity0:39not ratedMP31975
KraftwerkIt's More Fun To ComputeComputer World4:12not ratedMP31981
KraftwerkKlingklangKraftwerk 217:25not ratedMP31971
KraftwerkKometenmelodieConcert Classics (Autobahn Tour : Dallas 01/05/75)11:51not ratedMP31998
KraftwerkKometenmelodie 1Autobahn6:25not ratedMP31974
KraftwerkKometenmelodie 2Autobahn5:52not ratedMP31974
KraftwerkKristalloRalf & Florian6:19not ratedMP31973
KraftwerkLa FormeTour de France Soundtracks8:42not ratedMP32003
KraftwerkMegaherzKraftwerk9:32not ratedMP31970
KraftwerkMetal on MetalThe Mix4:58not ratedMP31991
Kraftwerkmetal on metalMinimum maximum4:29not ratedMP32005
KraftwerkMetal On MetalTrans-Europe Express6:42not ratedMP31977
KraftwerkMetropolisThe Man-Machine6:01not ratedMP31978
KraftwerkMetropolisThe Man Machine6:01not ratedCD1978
KraftwerkMitternachtAutobahn3:45not ratedMP31974
KraftwerkMorgenspaziergangAutobahn4:07not ratedMP31974
KraftwerkMorgenspaziergang Part 1Concert Classics (Autobahn Tour : Dallas 01/05/75)10:11not ratedMP31998
KraftwerkMorgenspaziergang Part 2Concert Classics (Autobahn Tour : Dallas 01/05/75)4:16not ratedMP31998
KraftwerkMusic Non StopThe Mix6:39not ratedMP31991
Kraftwerkmusic non stopMinimum maximum9:52not ratedMP32005
KraftwerkMusique Non StopElectric Cafe5:46not ratedMP31986
Kraftwerkneon lightsMinimum maximum5:59not ratedMP32005
KraftwerkNeon LightsThe Man Machine8:54not ratedCD1978

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