Complete list of cableline's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Warren ZevonPlease StayThe Windnot ratedCD8/26/2003
Warren ZevonPrison GroveThe Windnot ratedCD8/26/2003
Warren ZevonReconsider MeSentimental Hygiene [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl10/17/1990
Warren ZevonRub Me RawThe Windnot ratedCD8/26/2003
Warren ZevonSentimental HygieneSentimental Hygiene [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl10/17/1990
Warren ZevonShe's Too Good for MeThe Windnot ratedCD8/26/2003
Warren ZevonThe FactorySentimental Hygiene [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl10/17/1990
Warren ZevonThe HeartacheSentimental Hygiene [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl10/17/1990
Warren ZevonThe Rest of the NightThe Windnot ratedCD8/26/2003
Warren ZevonTrouble Waiting to HappenSentimental Hygiene [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl10/17/1990
Washed OutA DedicationWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutAmor FatiWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutBeforeWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutEchoesWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutEyes Be ClosedWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutFar AwayWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutSoftWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutWithin and WithoutWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
Washed OutYou and IWithin & Withoutnot ratedCD7/12/2011
WavvesNo track informationKing of the Beachnot ratedCD8/3/2010
WeenA Tear for EddieChocolate & Cheesenot ratedCD9/27/1994
WeenAlcan RoadQuebec [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl12/28/2004
WeenAlonePodnot ratedCD2/14/1995
WeenAmong His TribeQuebec [Vinyl]not ratedVinyl12/28/2004
WeenAwesome SoundPodnot ratedCD2/14/1995

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