Guided by Voices
Under The Bushes Under The Stars

Guided by Voices - Under The Bushes Under The Stars

  • Release date: 8/4/2009
  • Format: Vinyl
  • not rated
  • Added February 4, 2011


1. Man Called Aerodynamicsnot rated0:00
2. Rhine Jive Clicknot rated0:00
3. Cut-Out Witchnot rated0:00
4. Burning Flag Birthday Suitnot rated0:00
5. Official Ironmen Rally Song, Thenot rated0:00
6. To Remake The Young Flyernot rated0:00
7. No Skynot rated0:00
8. Bright Paper Werewolvesnot rated0:00
9. Lord Of Overstocknot rated0:00
10. Your Name Is Wildnot rated0:00
11. Ghosts Of A Different Dreamnot rated0:00
12. Acorns & Oriolesnot rated0:00
13. Look At Themnot rated0:00
14. Perfect Life, Thenot rated0:00
15. Underwater Explosionsnot rated0:00
16. Atom Eyesnot rated0:00
17. Don't Stop Nownot rated0:00
18. Office Of Heartsnot rated0:00
19. Big Boring Weddingnot rated0:00
20. It's Like Soul Mannot rated0:00
21. Drag Daysnot rated0:00
22. Sheetkickersnot rated0:00
23. Redmen And Their Wivesnot rated0:00
24. Take To The Skynot rated0:00

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