The Temptations (10 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Temptations20th Century Masters - The Christmas CollectionWMA2003not rated49:13
The Temptations20th Century Masters - The Christmas CollectionWMA2003not rated48:50
The TemptationsMeet The TemptationsWMA1999not rated37:15
The TemptationsMy Girl: The Very Best Of The Tempations [Disc 1]M4Anot rated54:48
The TemptationsMy Girl: The Very Best of the Temptations Disc 1M4A2002not rated54:49
The TemptationsSong for YouWMA1975not rated38:08
The TemptationsThe Best Of Temptations Christmas [Bonus Track]M4Anot rated48:51
The TemptationsThe Millennium CoM4Anot rated1:11:28
The TemptationsThe Temptations - A Song for YouM4A1975not rated38:08
The TemptationsUnknown AlbumM4A1982not rated4:09