Still Climbing

Brownstone - Still Climbing

  • Release date: 1997
  • Genre: R&B
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:56:52
  • not rated
  • Added August 25, 2010


1. Charmayne Maxwell/Kina Cosper/Nichole Gilbert/Rodney Jerkins - Let's Get It Startednot rated4:54
2. Let's Get It Startednot rated4:53
3. Big Yam/Nichole Gilbert/Victor Merrit - 5 Miles To Emptynot rated5:14
4. 5 Miles to Emptynot rated5:14
5. Dwayne Barnes/Nichole Gilbert/Rodney Jerkins - Love Me Like You Donot rated4:34
6. Love Me Like You Donot rated4:33
7. Gordon Chambers/Kevin Anderson/Rich Stroud - In The Name Of Lovenot rated4:46
8. In the Game of Lovenot rated4:45
9. Nichole Gilbert/Soulshock - Foolish Pridenot rated5:22
10. Foolish Pridenot rated5:21
11. Big Yam/Nichole Gilbert/Victor Merrit - Kiss And Tellnot rated4:45
12. Kiss and Tellnot rated4:44
13. Big Yam/Nichole Gilbert - Baby Lovenot rated5:01
14. Baby Lovenot rated5:00
15. Thicke - Around Younot rated4:51
16. Around Younot rated4:50
17. Charmayne Maxwell/Karlin/Shawn Stockman/Soulshock - Revengenot rated5:01
18. Revengenot rated5:00
19. Bridget Cooper/Christopher Stewart/Derek Sochacki/Hall, Sean K. - All I Donot rated4:24
20. All I Donot rated4:23
21. Herb Middleton/Nichole Gilbert - You Give Good Lovenot rated5:01
22. You Give Good Lovenot rated5:00
23. Kevin McCord - If You Play Your Cards Rightnot rated4:35
24. If You Play Your Cards Rightnot rated4:35

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