Labelle, Patti
The Best of Patti LaBelle

Labelle, Patti - The Best of Patti LaBelle

  • Release date: 1982
  • Genre: R&B
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 41:51
  • not rated
  • Added August 25, 2010


1. Bob Crewe/Kenny Nolan - Lady Marmaladenot rated3:59
2. Armstead Edwards/Budd Ellison/Patti LaBelle - You Are My Friendnot rated4:39
3. Budd Ellison/Jeffrey Cohen/Ray Parker, Jr. - Joy to Have Your Lovenot rated5:47
4. Aaron G. Willis, Jr. - Little Girlsnot rated6:50
5. G Lee/Marti Sharron - Music Is My Way Of Lifenot rated8:15
6. David Lasley/Peter Allen - I Don't Go Shoppingnot rated3:56
7. Skip Scarborough - It's Alright With Menot rated4:18
8. David Lasley - Come What Maynot rated4:07

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