Complete list of bsammon1's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The BeatlesRainMono Masters [3 LP]not rated12" Vinyl LP9/9/2014
The BeatlesRainPast Mastersnot ratedCD9/9/2009
The BeatlesRainThe Beatles Collectionnot ratedVinyl Boxed Set1987
The BeatlesRain09.09.09 Samplernot ratedCD2009
The BeatlesRainPaperback Writer / Rain2:59not rated7" Vinyl5/30/1966
The BeatlesRain (Alternate Version)1+3:03not ratedCD + Blu-Ray Boxed Set11/6/2015
The BeatlesRain (Alternate Version)1+3:03not ratedCD + Blu-Ray Boxed Set11/6/2015
The BeatlesRaritiesThe Beatles Collectionnot ratedVinyl Boxed Set1987
The BeatlesReaction to "Sgt. Pepper's"Anthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesReady TeddyThe Early Tapes of The Beatlesnot ratedCD1986
The BeatlesReal LoveReal Lovenot ratedCD Single3/5/1996
The BeatlesReal LoveAnthology 2not ratedCD3/19/1996
The BeatlesReal Love1+3:53not ratedCD + Blu-Ray Boxed Set11/6/2015
The BeatlesReal LoveReal Love3:55not rated7" Vinyl3/4/1996
The BeatlesReception At The British EmbassyAnthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesRecollections - June 1994Anthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesRecording "Beatles For Sale"Anthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesRecording "Free As A Bird" And "Real Love"Anthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesRecording At Twickenham StudiosAnthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesReflections On Sudden FameAnthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesReturn To EnglandAnthologynot ratedDVD Video4/1/2003
The BeatlesRevolutionThe Beatles (Anniversary Edition)4:06not ratedCD + Blu-Ray Boxed Set11/9/2018
The BeatlesRevolutionLove3:23not ratedCD + DVD11/17/2006
The BeatlesRevolutionHey Jude3:21not rated12" Vinyl LP1980
The BeatlesRevolutionLove2:14not ratedCD + DVD11/17/2006

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