Complete list of bsammon1's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Joni MitchellMarcieThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellMichael From MountainsThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellMorning MorgantownThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellMy American SkirtThe 1969 Warner/Reprise Record Show [WB Loss Leader]0:40not rated12" Vinyl LP1969
Joni MitchellMy Old ManBluenot rated12" Vinyl LP2009
Joni MitchellMy Old ManThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellMy Secret PlaceChalk Mark In A Rain Storm5:04not ratedCD1988
Joni MitchellNathan La FraneerThe 1969 Warner / Reprise Songbook [WB Loss Leader]3:13not rated12" Vinyl LP1969
Joni MitchellNathan La FraneerThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellNight In The CityThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellNight Ride HomeNight Ride Home3:21not ratedCD1991
Joni MitchellNot To BlameTurbulent Indigo4:18not ratedCD1994
Joni MitchellNothing Can Be DoneNight Ride Home4:53not ratedCD1991
Joni MitchellNumber OneChalk Mark In A Rain Storm3:48not ratedCD1988
Joni MitchellOff Night BackstreetThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellOff Night BackstreetDon Juan's Reckless Daughter3:22not rated12" Vinyl LP1977
Joni MitchellOtis And MarlenaDon Juan's Reckless Daughter4:05not rated12" Vinyl LP1977
Joni MitchellOtis And MarlenaThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellOverture - Cotton AvenueThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellOverture–Cotton AvenueDon Juan's Reckless Daughter6:35not rated12" Vinyl LP1977
Joni MitchellPaprika PlainsDon Juan's Reckless Daughter16:19not rated12" Vinyl LP1977
Joni MitchellPaprika PlainsThe Studio Albums 1968-1979not ratedCD Boxed Set10/29/2012
Joni MitchellPassion Play (When All The Slaves Are Free)Night Ride Home5:25not ratedCD1991
Joni MitchellPat's SoloShadows And Light3:09not rated12" Vinyl LP9/1980
Joni MitchellPeople's PartiesCourt And Sparknot rated12" Vinyl LP2009

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