Complete list of bru87tr's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Robert PalmerAddictions Volume 1CD1989***51:39
Robert PalmerRiptide (Japan for US Pressing)CD1985not rated35:20
Robert PlantManic NirvanaCD1990*** 1/249:37
Robert PlantNow And ZenCD1988****47:03
Robert PlantThe Principle of Moments (West Germany ''Target'' Pressing)CD1983****38:49
Rod StewartBody Wishes (West Germany Target Pressing)CD1983not rated41:29
Rod StewartCamouflage (West Germany ''Target'' Pressing)CD1984***37:47
Rod StewartGreatest Hits (West Germany ''Target'' Pressing)CD1979not rated47:49
Rod StewartOut Of OrderCD1988not rated50:51
Roger HodgsonIn The Eye Of The Storm (Japan for US CSR Pressing)CD1984not rated47:01
Romantics, TheIn Heat (Japan for US Pressing)CD1983not rated34:12
Romantics, TheThe Romantics (US DADC Pressing)CD1993not rated37:18
Roxy MusicAvalon (Japan ''Target'' Pressing)CD1982not rated37:22
Roy OrbisonMystery GirlCD1989***38:15
RTZReturn To ZeroCD1991**** 1/248:25
Run-DMCKing Of Rock (Japan for US Pressing)CD1985not rated43:30
RushChronicles (Gold Face Canada Pressing)CD1990*****2:24:24
RushRoll The BonesCD1991****48:04
RushRoll The Bones (AF Gold Pressing)CD7/2011not rated48:04
RushTest for EchoCD8/31/2004not rated
SadeDiamond Life (US DADC Pressing)CD1985*** 1/244:57
Sadistic Mika BandRock you JapanCD8/23/2006not rated
SagaWorlds Apart (US DADC Pressing)CD1981not rated43:41
Sahara SnowSahara SnowCD1997*** 1/254:09

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