Lindsey Buckingham
Words + Music (A Retrospective)

Lindsey Buckingham - Words + Music (A Retrospective)

  • Release date: 1992
  • Genre: Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 46:00
  • **** 1/2
  • Added August 8, 2008
  • Rated August 17, 2008


1. Interview - Opening and Introduction to ''Stephanie''not rated0:26
2. Stephanienot rated2:09
3. Interview - Introduction to ''Monday Morning''not rated1:42
4. Monday Morningnot rated2:44
5. Interview - Introduction to ''Go Your Own Way''not rated1:01
6. Go Your Own Waynot rated3:36
7. Interview - Introduction to ''Tusk''not rated0:58
8. Tusknot rated3:29
9. Interview - Introduction to ''Trouble''not rated0:23
10. Troublenot rated3:49
11. Interview - Introduction to ''Holiday Road''not rated0:47
12. Holiday Roadnot rated2:10
13. Interview - Introduction to ''Go Insane''not rated0:32
14. Go Insanenot rated3:02
15. Interview - Introduction to ''Big Love''not rated1:11
16. Big Lovenot rated3:36
17. Interview - Introduction to ''Wrong''not rated0:52
18. Wrongnot rated4:15
19. Interview - Introduction to ''Don't Look Down''not rated1:19
20. Don't Look Downnot rated2:43
21. Interview - Introduction to ''Countdown''not rated1:44
22. Countdownnot rated3:21

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