Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Gianluigi Trovesi & Gianni CosciaTristezze di Fra' Martino [Interludio "Ma che modi sono?…]Round About Weill2:03not ratedCDR/LS2005
Gianluigi Trovesi & Gianni CosciaUmbertoLa misteriosa musica della Regina Loana3:05not ratedCD2018
Gianluigi Trovesi & Gianni CosciaVillanellaIn cerca di cibo4:44not ratedCDR/LS2000
Gianluigi Trovesi & Gianni CosciaVolandoLa misteriosa musica della Regina Loana2:29not ratedCD2018
Gigi GryceFiligree And CircuitryTogether In Zero Space26:10not ratedCDR/LS2011
Gigi GryceMesomerism In RhythmTogether In Zero Space23:00not ratedCDR/LS2011
Gil Evans'Round MidnightNew Bottle Old Wine4:08not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansBird FeathersNew Bottle Old Wine6:56not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansKing Porter StompNew Bottle Old Wine3:20not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansLester Leaps InNew Bottle Old Wine4:20not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansMantecaNew Bottle Old Wine5:20not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansSt. Louis BluesNew Bottle Old Wine5:26not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansStruttin' with Some BarbecueNew Bottle Old Wine4:35not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil EvansWillow TreeNew Bottle Old Wine4:40not ratedCDR/LS1958
Gil GoldsteinBass SoloUnder Rousseau's Moon1:27not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinBoplicity / Some Skunk FunkUnder Rousseau's Moon7:16not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinDonna LeeUnder Rousseau's Moon6:17not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinGood Morning AnyaUnder Rousseau's Moon8:26not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinLiberty CityUnder Rousseau's Moon9:29not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinMoondreamsUnder Rousseau's Moon2:41not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinPercussion SoloUnder Rousseau's Moon1:07not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinSarah's TouchUnder Rousseau's Moon9:40not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinSuningaUnder Rousseau's Moon5:47not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinThe Camel's LamentUnder Rousseau's Moon2:52not ratedCDR2006
Gil GoldsteinThe Moon Struck OneUnder Rousseau's Moon2:01not ratedCDR2006

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