Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Chico HamiltonA TripThe Dealer6:37not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonBaby, You KnowThe Dealer3:59not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonBig Noise from WinnetkaThe Dealer2:50not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonChic Chic ChicoThe Dealer2:51not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonEl ToroThe Dealer4:38not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonFor Mods OnlyThe Dealer4:28not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonJim - JeannieThe Dealer6:01not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonLarry of ArabiaThe Dealer5:11not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonThe DealerThe Dealer6:24not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonThe Second Time AroundThe Dealer3:15not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonThoughtsThe Dealer9:24not ratedCDR/LS1966
Chico HamiltonTransfusionImpulses2:46not ratedCDR/LS1994
Chico Hamilton QuintetBeyond the Blue HorizonGongs East!3:07not ratedCDR/LS1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetCawn PawnTruth2:34not ratedCDR1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetChamps ElyseesTruth2:31not ratedCDR1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetFar EastGongs East!4:05not ratedCDR/LS1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetFat MouthTruth2:58not ratedCDR1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetFrou FrouTruth3:21not ratedCDR1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetGongs EastGongs East!4:50not ratedCDR/LS1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetGood Grief, DennisGongs East!3:07not ratedCDR/LS1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetI Gave My Love a CherryGongs East!4:42not ratedCDR/LS1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetLady 'E'Truth2:40not ratedCDR1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetLittle Lost BearTruth1:46not ratedCDR1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetLong Ago and Far AwayGongs East!3:00not ratedCDR/LS1959
Chico Hamilton QuintetLost in the NightTruth3:19not ratedCDR1959

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