Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekBiel (Whiteness)Upojenie3:22not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekBy On Byl Tu (Let It Stay)Upojenie6:56not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekCichy Zapada Zmrok (Here Comes the Silent Dusk)Upojenie3:26not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekCzarne Slowa (Black Words)Upojenie5:13not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekLetter From HomeUpojenie2:48not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekLulajze Jezuniu (Polish Christmas Carol)Upojenie5:13not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekMania Mienia (The Meaning of the Means)Upojenie3:41not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekMe Jedyne Niebo (My Only Heaven)Upojenie3:17not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekNa Calej Polaci Snieg (The Snow Falls All Over the Place)Upojenie1:47not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekPiosenka Dla Stasia (A Song for Stas)Upojenie3:47not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekPolskie Drogi (Polish Paths)Upojenie2:50not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekPrzyplyw, Odplyw, Oddech Czasu (High Tide, Low Tide, The Breath of Time…)Upojenie4:44not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekSzepty i Lzy (Whispers and Tears)Upojenie4:47not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekTam, Gdzie Niesiega Wzrok (Further Than the Eye Can See)Upojenie3:51not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekUpojenie (Ecstasy)Upojenie4:46not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria JopekZupelnie Inna Ja (The Different Me)Upojenie3:55not ratedCDR/LS2008
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauAhmid-6Metheny Mehldau6:35not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauAnnie's Bittersweet CakeMetheny Mehldau5:32not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauBachelors IIIMetheny Mehldau7:24not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauFind Me in Your DreamsMetheny Mehldau6:07not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauLegendMetheny Mehldau7:02not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauMake PeaceMetheny Mehldau7:06not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauRing of LifeMetheny Mehldau7:35not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauSay the Brother's NameMetheny Mehldau7:14not ratedCD9/12/2006
Pat Metheny & Brad MehldauSummer DayMetheny Mehldau6:25not ratedCD9/12/2006

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