Complete list of bquam's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Kenny GarrettBeyond the WallBeyond The Wall7:35not ratedCDR/LS2006
Kenny GarrettBlack HopeBlack Hope3:53not ratedCDR/LS1992
Kenny GarrettBone BopBlack Hope4:53not ratedCDR/LS1992
Kenny GarrettBoogety BoogetySeeds From The Underground9:03not ratedCDR/LS2012
Kenny GarrettBooks and ToysBlack Hope4:42not ratedCDR/LS1992
Kenny GarrettBossaDo Your Dance!6:22not ratedCD2016
Kenny GarrettBrother B. HarperHappy People7:59not ratedCDR/LS2002
Kenny GarrettBrother BrownPushing the World Away5:47not ratedCD2013
Kenny GarrettBrother HubbardSongbook6:34not ratedCDR5/20/1997
Kenny GarrettBye Bye BlackbirdBlack Hope5:33not ratedCDR/LS1992
Kenny GarrettCallingBeyond The Wall9:39not ratedCDR/LS2006
Kenny GarrettCalypso ChantDo Your Dance!4:37not ratedCD2016
Kenny GarrettChasing The WIndDo Your Dance!5:30not ratedCD2016
Kenny GarrettChief BlackwaterStandard Of Language4:52not ratedCDR/LS2003
Kenny GarrettChucho's MamboPushing the World Away7:45not ratedCD2013
Kenny GarrettComputer "G"Black Hope10:04not ratedCDR/LS1992
Kenny GarrettCountdownPursuance: The Music of John Coltrane3:42not ratedCD6/25/1996
Kenny GarrettDear LordPursuance: The Music of John Coltrane5:54not ratedCD6/25/1996
Kenny GarrettDelfeayo's DilemmaTriology5:41not ratedCDR/LS1995
Kenny GarrettDetroitSeeds From The Underground4:21not ratedCDR/LS2012
Kenny GarrettDo Your Dance!Do Your Dance!4:57not ratedCD2016
Kenny GarrettDoc Tone's Short SpeechStandard Of Language5:50not ratedCDR/LS2003
Kenny GarrettDu-Wo-MoSeeds From The Underground8:16not ratedCDR/LS2012
Kenny GarrettEquinoxPursuance: The Music of John Coltrane7:39not ratedCD6/25/1996
Kenny GarrettGendaiStandard Of Language7:57not ratedCDR/LS2003

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