George Carlin
You Are All Diseased

George Carlin - You Are All Diseased

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: comedy
  • Duration: 54:33
  • ****
  • Added January 21, 2018
  • Played February 2, 2019
  • Rated March 30, 2019


1. George Carlin - How's Everybody Doin'not rated0:54
2. George Carlin - Airport Securitynot rated8:03
3. George Carlin - Fear of Germsnot rated5:59
4. George Carlin - Cigarsnot rated1:40
5. George Carlin - Angelsnot rated1:10
6. George Carlin - Harley Davidsonnot rated1:24
7. George Carlin - House of Bluesnot rated2:01
8. George Carlin - Minority Language: Happens to Be / Openly / Urban / Girlfriendnot rated2:13
9. George Carlin - Man Stuff: Slugfest / Cut-Off Sleeves / Barbed Wire Tattoo / Lead, Follow or Get Outta the Way / Police Sensitivity Trainot rated5:24
10. George Carlin - TV Tonight: Playboy Channel / Jerry Springer / Little House on the Prairie / Willie Nelsonnot rated3:54
11. George Carlin - Namesnot rated4:24
12. George Carlin - Advertising Lullabyenot rated2:38
13. George Carlin - American Bullshitnot rated2:38
14. George Carlin - Businessmennot rated1:26
15. George Carlin - Religionnot rated2:06
16. George Carlin - There Is No Godnot rated8:39

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