Amir ElSaffar Two Rivers Ensemble

Amir ElSaffar Two Rivers Ensemble - Crisis

  • Release date: 2015
  • Genre: Jazz/Maqam Modal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 1:06:36
  • **** 1/2
  • Added September 29, 2015
  • Played November 8, 2019
  • Rated September 30, 2015


1. Amir ElSaffar - Introduction - From The Ashesnot rated4:54
2. Amir ElSaffar - The Great Dictatornot rated8:51
3. Amir ElSaffar - Taqsim Sabanot rated3:17
4. Amir ElSaffar - El-Sha'ab (The People)not rated8:18
5. Amir ElSaffar - Love Poemnot rated7:05
6. Amir ElSaffar - Flyover Iraqnot rated9:45
7. Amir ElSaffar - Tipping Pointnot rated13:40
8. Amir ElSaffar - Aneed (Weeping), Continuednot rated3:37
9. Amir ElSaffar - Love Poem (Complete)not rated7:09

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