Steve Coleman and the Council of Balance
Synovial Joints

Steve Coleman and the Council of Balance - Synovial Joints

  • Release date: 2015
  • Genre: Jazz/M-Base
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 1:02:01
  • ****
  • Added May 14, 2015
  • Played May 6, 2017
  • Rated May 16, 2015


1. Steve Coleman - Acupuncture Openingsnot rated5:25
2. Steve Coleman - Celtic Cellsnot rated9:36
3. Steve Coleman - Partt I - Hand and Wristnot rated8:19
4. Steve Coleman - Part II - Hip and Shouldernot rated3:50
5. Steve Coleman - Part III - Torsonot rated2:43
6. Steve Coleman - Part IV - Head and Necknot rated2:38
7. Steve Coleman - Tempestnot rated5:56
8. Steve Coleman - Harmattannot rated8:52
9. Steve Coleman - Nomadicnot rated9:24
10. Steve Coleman - Eye Of Herunot rated5:13

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