Myra Melford's Be Bread
The Whole Tree Gone

Myra Melford's Be Bread - The Whole Tree Gone

  • Release date: 2009
  • Genre: Jazz/Avant-Garde
  • Format: CDR/LS
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 1:05:28
  • ****
  • Added February 27, 2012
  • Played May 25, 2014
  • Rated February 28, 2012


1. Myra Melford - Through the Same Gatenot rated6:27
2. Myra Melford - Moon Birdnot rated11:02
3. Myra Melford - Nightnot rated8:41
4. Myra Melford - The Whole Tree Gonenot rated8:39
5. Myra Melford - A Generation Comes and Another Goesnot rated8:34
6. Myra Melford - I See a Horizonnot rated6:14
7. Myra Melford - On the Lip of Insanitynot rated7:28
8. Myra Melford - Knocking from the Insidenot rated8:20

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