Stephan Micus
Bold As Light

Stephan Micus - Bold As Light

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Jazz/New Age
  • Format: CDR/LS
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 49:59
  • ****
  • Added March 5, 2011
  • Played March 8, 2011
  • Rated March 8, 2011


1. Stephan Micus - Rainnot rated4:13
2. Stephan Micus - Spring Dancenot rated5:00
3. Stephan Micus - Flying Swansnot rated6:16
4. Stephan Micus - Wide Rivernot rated3:59
5. Stephan Micus - Autumn Dancenot rated3:33
6. Stephan Micus - Golden Ginkgo Treenot rated5:43
7. Stephan Micus - The Shrinenot rated4:50
8. Stephan Micus - Winter Dancenot rated4:54
9. Stephan Micus - The Childnot rated4:57
10. Stephan Micus - Seven Rosesnot rated6:30

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