Don Pullen
Mosaic Select 13: Don Pullen

Don Pullen - Mosaic Select 13: Don Pullen

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Jazz/Modern Creative
  • Format: CDR/LS box set
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 3:24:59
  • ****
  • Added May 22, 2010
  • Played March 14, 2013
  • Rated May 26, 2010


1. George Adams - Mr. Smoothienot rated6:09
2. Don Pullen - Just Foolin' Aroundnot rated6:22
3. Don Pullen - Song From The Old Countrynot rated8:15
4. Don Pullen - We've Been Here All The Timenot rated9:11
5. George Adams - A Time For Sobrietynot rated9:44
6. Don Pullen - The Necessary Blues (or Thank You Vry Much, Mr. Monk)not rated13:36
7. George Adams - Sun Watchersnot rated5:46
8. George Adams - Serenade To Sariahnot rated7:36
9. Don Pullen - 1529 Gunn Street (For Johnny Holloway)not rated6:14
1. Don Pullen - Warm Upnot rated9:53
2. Don Pullen - Sing Me A Song Everlastingnot rated10:31
3. Don Pullen - Another Reason To Celebratenot rated8:47
4. Don Pullen - Jana's Delightnot rated5:58
5. Don Pullen - Once Upon A Timenot rated5:52
6. Don Pullen - Warriorsnot rated6:51
7. Don Pullen - New Beginningsnot rated6:22
8. Don Pullen - At The Cafe Centralenot rated6:56
9. Don Pullen - Reap The Whirlwindnot rated7:02
1. Don Pullen - Andre's Ups And Downsnot rated5:23
2. Don Pullen - Random Thoughtsnot rated9:10
3. Don Pullen - Indio Gitanonot rated9:43
4. Don Pullen - The Dancer (For Diane McIntyre)not rated6:01
5. Don Pullen - Endangered Species, African American Youthnot rated7:42
6. Don Pullen - 626 Fairfaxnot rated6:44
7. Don Pullen - Ode To Life (For Maurice Quesnell)not rated8:41
8. Don Pullen - Silence Equals Deathnot rated10:17

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