Complete list of bobkin's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
YusufWhen Butterflies LeaveAn Other Cup (2006)0:41not ratedMP32006
YusufWhispers From A Spiritual GardenAn Other Cup (2006)2:04not ratedMP32006
Yvonne EllimanI Don't Know How To Love Him1972 Hits4:09not ratedMP31972
ÿþSÿþBVaughan with Voices2:46not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþCVaughan with Voices2:22not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþDVaughan with Voices2:10not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþFVaughan with Voices2:56not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþHVaughan with Voices2:36not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþIVaughan with Voices2:53not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþIVaughan with Voices2:13not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþTVaughan with Voices2:17not ratedMP3
ÿþSÿþTVaughan with Voices2:52not ratedMP3
Zager & EvansIn The Year 2525Sounds of the Sixties3:17not ratedMP3
Zager & EvansMr. Turnkey60s minor hits2:31not ratedMP3
ZakarriasCosmic BridgeZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)5:59not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasCountry Out Of ReachZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)4:03not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasDon´t CryZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)4:11not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasLet Us ChangeZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)3:50not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasNever Reachin´Zakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)4:56not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasSpring Of FateZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)3:17not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasSunny SideZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)3:40not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasThe Unknown YearsZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)7:00not ratedMP31971
ZakarriasWho Gave You LoveZakarrias (UK Psychedelic Rock) (1971)3:58not ratedMP31971
Zebra StripesIntro 66 (1984)Destination Bomp (CD2)0:56not ratedMP3
ZephyrGoing Back To ColoradoGoing Back To Colorado (1971)41:29not ratedMP3

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