Foghat (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
FoghatBoogie Motel17 MotelMP31979not rated36:48
FoghatEnergized17 EnergizedMP31974not rated40:02
FoghatFamily JoulesMP32003not rated57:29
FoghatFoghat (Rock And Roll)MP31973not rated38:05
FoghatFoghat18 to YouRe1MP3not rated37:57
FoghatFool For The City (1975)MP3not rated35:33
FoghatNight Shift16 Shift 06MP31976not rated35:28
FoghatReturn Of The Boogie Men22 Men to - acousMP31994not rated56:25
FoghatRock And Roll OutlawsMP31974not rated38:50
FoghatStone Blue19 BlueMP31978not rated39:04
FoghatTight Shoes/Girls to Chat & Boys to Bounce (2 of 2)MP3not rated39:05
FoghatTight Shoes17 ShoesMP31980not rated39:39
FoghatZig-Zag WalkMP31983not rated35:58